Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Who do you go to when the rabbi is the problem?

Okay, that might be an ever so slightly misleading title. I finally got back to work on As in Days of Old, the sequel to Destined to Choose. I've been doing a lot of work in the business side of writing, but haven't really pursued the creative side as much. I'm still working on balancing business and creativity, work and family. No solutions yet, but that's a different post.

So, I'm working on Days, on a scene in which Sara, the wife of David (our protagonist rabbi), is talking with her friend Tamara - also a rebbetzin. Sara is experiencing sort of a crisis of faith. Not religious faith, but faith in herself. And David isn't helping things any. In fact, if anything, he's part of the problem, and isn't even close to helpful when Sara tries to talk to him about it.

The problem - my problem - is that Sara is not only hesitant to talk to Tamara about what she's going through, she's dragging her feet about telling ME. Tell me, please, how am I supposed to help, listen, be supportive, when I can't even tell her story?

Honestly. It makes me want to just send them both to therapy and tell David to tape his mouth shut.

Maybe Sara will tell me what's going on while I'm sleeping.

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