In 51 minutes (local time), LIKE A MACCABEE will be released for sale!
This has been a year-long journey with truly wonderful results and an awesome group of people with whom I've been working. It's the first book I've published by another author (and yes, my next one is still being primed for an '07 release).
Everyone who has read LIKE A MACCABEE loves it and some GREAT reviews are expected, especially as we get toward the Chanukah season (some reviewers are holding off on publishing their reviews until December issues of their magazines and journals).
Check it out on the Yaldah web site, where you can read the first chapter, download some free bookmarks, see when the author will be speaking and where, visit the author's web site, and much more!
Over on the Yaldah Publishing Blog, I am starting a series called The Birth of a Book. It's an account of how a query became a published book (which goes on sale in 40 minutes now!) from the perspective of a small independent publisher (me). I've read many accounts from authors about the publishing process. This one's different - it's the publisher's perspective, but because I'm also an author, I think I can offer a unique look at how this all happened.
And it's not even my book - or at least, I didn't write it. The author is Barbara Bietz, a freelance writer turned children's book author who has been just a tremendous pleasure to work with - and in this series (not here - on the Yaldah blog) it will be quite clear just how much the indie publisher depends on the author's creativity, quick thinking, and ability to adapt (in a good way).
So check it out, and I'll be back here shortly with a non-publishing update on As in Days of Old, The Day Our Sukkah Blew Down - a true story, and much more.
And keep your eyes open for another short story somewhere along the way.