Sunday, December 18, 2005

Seven Sevens

I don’t usually spend a lot of time on blog games, as I have precious little time already to write amidst raising children and keeping the house just barely on the neat side of total chaos. But given the importance of seven in Judaism, and how my Jewish life operates a cycle of seven, this seemed like it would be fun, and still be thematically linked.

I got this from The Dabbling Mum.


Seven Things to Do Yet in My Life

  1. Go to Israel

  2. Write at least one book that makes the NYT Bestseller list

  3. Be involved as my children grow up, graduate from college, get married, have children, and create their own Jewish families

  4. Earn greater recognition as a Jewish scholar/writer/thinker

  5. Write all the books that are within me

  6. Give my children the skills and resources they need to be strong, confident, healthy, whole, Jewishly knowledgeable human beings

  7. Make a difference
Seven Things I Cannot Do

  1. Betray who I am as a Jew

  2. Intentionally hurt another

  3. Stand by while others are hurt in my presence

  4. Direct sales

  5. Ski

  6. Get away with wearing French braids, dreadlocks, beads, or any other similar hair style

  7. Eat just one Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup

Seven Things I Admire In My Spouse

  1. His open-mindedness

  2. His unwavering support for me

  3. His involvement in our children’s lives

  4. His work ethic

  5. His sensitivity

  6. His honesty

  7. That look in his eyes when he…
Seven Things I Say Most Often

  1. Hey!

  2. Um…

  3. Please?

  4. Thanks!

  5. Cool!

  6. Wait a sec…

  7. That depends…
Seven Books (or series) I Love

  1. Tanakh (Torah, Prophets, Writings)

  2. Talmud

  3. Alex Delaware series (Jonathan Kellerman)

  4. Stephanie Plum series (Janet Evanovich)

  5. Illusions (Richard Bach)

  6. Good in Bed (Jennifer Weiner)

  7. Rabbi David Winter series (Rabbi Joseph Telushkin)
Seven Movies I Would Watch Over and Over Again

  1. American Dreamer

  2. Independence Day

  3. Fiddler on the Roof

  4. The Jazz Singer

  5. Yentl

  6. Yellow Submarine

  7. Grease
Seven Songs I Can’t Get Enough Of

  1. Making it Up as I Go Along (Marie Wilson)

  2. Breathe [2am] (Anna Nalick)

  3. Best Years of Our Lives (Baha Men)

  4. Hachel Rash (David Broza)

  5. Joshua’s Band (Noah Budin)

  6. Hayiti (Shlomo Artzi)

  7. Milky Way (Kitaro)

Seven People I Want to Join In, Too

  1. Catherine Wade

  2. ChickWrit

  3. Eliza

  4. Ella Susan

  5. Kai

  6. Karen

  7. Mir


Anonymous said...

It's so cool to see your seven! My daughter was a HUGE Grease fan for the first seven years of her life. There was a time I couldn't wait for that tape to break. LOL

Tiffany Todd said...

I really enjoyed this! I might have to try!